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Friday, April 6, 2012

The secdule!

So I decided that my youtube account will be more about kpop and dramas.
i always wanted to do this but I was afraid that because Im not asian it would kind of akward. Thankfully I put that behind me and decided to do what makes me happy and this makes me happy. tbh I really dont have alot of offline friends that are into kpop and dramas so I enjoy them with my family like my mom or discuss them with online friends. My boyfriend dislikes kdramas and thinks me watching them is cray cray. (say wha? ninja?) I have friends who like it but get discourage ed by the elephant in the room when watching asian dramas. Ugh people care too much about others opinions, I say do what you want and fuck the haters, they wished they had the guts to do what we do! I think kids of colour watch and buy alot asian products more so than asian americans....okay maybe not more but we buy alot of it. so here how it will go.
monday-Drama updates
tuesday-Kpop reviews
wensday-manga update
thursday-Lipsynic day!
friday- mystery day....*dun dun dun*

stay tuned on fridays it will be random but very pleasing! brr...its cold.
well Im off to watch Peach Girl!
Much love
Ai Xhen

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